Leaving a legacy

As a registered charity, Colchester Zoological Society relies completely on donations in order to support vital conservation projects worldwide. Your gift can really make a difference to help us support endangered species which in some cases are facing extinction in the wild.

Leaving a legacy to Colchester Zoological Society is simple. Your solicitor will be able to help you amend an existing will to include Colchester Zoological Society as a beneficiary. Your solicitor will simply need our address (see below) and our registered charity number which is 1105621.

You can choose to leave a fixed amount (which is known as a pecuniary legacy) or a percentage of the residue of your estate (a residual legacy) to the charity.

Remember, that you do not pay any inheritance tax on any gifts to a charity.

If you would like to see your gift go to a zoo project locally you can stipulate this by asking your solicitor to word it as a “Purpose gift to Colchester Zoo’s Colchester Zoological Society”. As things can change we would recommend that you do not name a particular species. We would suggest that you contact us to assist you with how you word such a gift.

Please pledge your gift today for the endangered species that need your help in the future.

Online Memorial Donations

Colchester Zoological Society is able to receive donations through the MuchLoved Charitable Trust; a bereavement charity offering a web-based tribute service. The MuchLoved Tribute service provides you with a way to record and share your memories and stories. You can add pictures, music and video, as well as light virtual candles to help you create a truly special unique tribute site.

Your tribute page will also have the ability to process donations and collect Gift Aid for Colchester Zoological Society if you are looking to fundraise for the conservation of endangered species in response to the death of a loved one. There are also additional features to enable you to record ongoing events and activities carried out in their memory.

Thank you very much for considering us at this difficult time.
You can find out more here.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of leaving a legacy please contact us by;

Telephone: 01206 331292 ext 248
Write to us:
Rebecca Moore
Colchester Zoo’s Colchester Zoological Society ,
Maldon Road,
Stanway, Colchester,

Email: aftw@colchesterzoo.org

Contacting us does not commit you to anything; it is simply a statement of your present wishes and will be treated in the strictest confidence. 

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