Action for the Wild continues to support the CRPL
Action for the Wild continues to support the CRPL

Action for the Wild continues to support the CRPL

The Centre de Rehabilitation des Primates de Lwiro (CRPL)...

Combating the rhino poaching crisis
Combating the rhino poaching crisis

Combating the rhino poaching crisis

Rhino poaching in South Africa has reached crisis point....

UmPhafa welcomes the world’s largest antelope to it’s land!
UmPhafa welcomes the world’s largest antelope to it’s land!

UmPhafa welcomes the world’s largest antelope to it’s land!

On 17th April 2015 a very special event took place...

The Red Panda EEP Forest Guardians Programme
The Red Panda EEP Forest Guardians Programme

The Red Panda EEP Forest Guardians Programme

In 2014, Action for the Wild joined together with...

Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!
Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!

Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!

UmPhafa would like to say a HUGE thank you...

Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!
Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!

Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!

In March 2014, Action for the Wild donated £6,000...

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