The Orangutan Foundation has received €21,000 from the EAZA Ape Campaign, which Action for the Wild is delighted to have assisted with achieving.

Action for the Wild has supported The Orangutan Foundation since 2010 and annually donates £5,000, which goes towards their vet’s annual salary and helps to support the costs associated with orang-utan translocations, such as transport fuel, medication and food. In this instance Colchester Zoo’s charity Action for the Wild assisted in achieving the grant of €21,000 towards their work in Lamandau, where Action for the Wild’s funds also go.

The vital work which this donation will support includes helping to reduce habitat loss through patrols to prevent encroachment, illegal logging and fires. It will also help them to increase the size of the currently protected habitat. The Orangutan Foundation also help to reduce ape disease and increase their health, through monitoring the health and behaviour of orangutans re-introduced back to the wild at release sites, as well as conserving ape species and their habitats through rehabilitation or reintroduction.

If you would like to donate towards this project or would like to find out more please visit our donation page and the project page on this website.

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