Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!
Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!

Anti-poaching team given a boost with army kit donation!

UmPhafa would like to say a HUGE thank you...

Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!
Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!

Vital funds help with new bear sanctuary construction!

In March 2014, Action for the Wild donated £6,000...

Recent Activities from the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group!
Recent Activities from the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group!

Recent Activities from the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group!

The Javan (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and Sumatran (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) rhinos...

Orangutan Foundation takes part in vital rescue!
Orangutan Foundation takes part in vital rescue!

Orangutan Foundation takes part in vital rescue!

The biggest threat facing orangutans is habitat loss and...

Amazing work from the N/a’an ku sê Foundation!
Amazing work from the N/a’an ku sê Foundation!

Amazing work from the N/a’an ku sê Foundation!

Since 2012, Action for the Wild has donated over...

Colchester Zoo’s charity Action for the Wild assists the fight against poaching
Colchester Zoo’s charity Action for the Wild assists the fight against poaching

Colchester Zoo’s charity Action for the Wild assists the fight against poaching

In the early 20th century, there were around half...

Fantastic news from the field- Orangutan Foundation update
Fantastic news from the field- Orangutan Foundation update

Fantastic news from the field- Orangutan Foundation update

Colchester Zoo’s charity, Action for the Wild has supported...

A second chance for orphan elephants
A second chance for orphan elephants

A second chance for orphan elephants

Mphamvu, a two year old orphan elephant, is finally...

Disease surveillance on threats to wild tigers and leopards
Disease surveillance on threats to wild tigers and leopards

Disease surveillance on threats to wild tigers and leopards

Wild tigers and leopards could be facing yet another...

Educating the future of otter survival
Educating the future of otter survival

Educating the future of otter survival

Pollution from oil spills is a very real threat...

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